As hopefully most of you know OpenNTF is hosting a regular / ongoing XSnippet contest. Every quarter contributors can win 4 x $100 for submitting simple code snippets to the XSnippets application. In 10 days (09/30) the current contest will end. So make sure to contribute your code snippets soon.

We are also looking for volunteers again to help with the judging. If you are interested, please contact us.

Below is the description of the contest again:

XSnippets are simple snippets that developers can easily copy and paste in their own apps. Typically a snippet has only one type/language, e.g. XSP or Java, but a snippet might also contain several smaller snippets with different language types (see example).

All snippets that are submitted to between the launch date of the contest and the end date (September 30th) count as submissions to the contest. Contributors have to be approved OpenNTF contributors, e.g. they need to be covered by an ICLA or CCLA. All snippets are open sourced under the Apache license version 2.

Contributors can win in two different ways:

1) Two contributors will be randomly selected from a pool of contributors who submitted four or more snippets during the contest. Each of the winning contributors will receive an award of $100.

2) Two contributors will be chosen via judging based on technical value and wow factor for single submissions. These two contributors will also receive $100 each.

All prizes will be awarded as cash prizes. Winners will be able decide whether they want to receive Amazon vouchers or receive payment via PayPal.

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